Google Notes Replacement with Zim Wiki and Syncthing

Continuing on with replacing Google products and getting away from their tracking and data collection, I was looking for a notes replacement. There are products like Joplin and Standard Notes where you can use their cloud service or self host…

Android Privacy Keyboard – AnySoftKeyboard

I’ve tolerated Google for some of their free services as they do give you control over your data with the option to delete it, opt out, or have it self delete after 90 days. And some of their services like…

Global Planned Financial Tsunami has Just Begun

Another eye opening article by F. William Engdahl on the financial collapse inbound. Regarding the food price inflation predicted to be worse, I was just reading that Kansas due to drought might only have a small percentage of their grain…

Flatpak is the Future of Linux Application Management?

After playing around with Snap, I thought I’d take a look at Flatpak with the intention or writing up how to install and use it. These Linux version agnostic application systems with containerization and sandboxing sound good, but are they…

Overclocking the Raspberry Pi’s

The Raspberry Pi’s can easily be overclocked but this all depends on your cooling solution. If you have a good heatsink, preferably with a fan or two, you can turn up the Pi and improve performance and still keep the…

BTOP System Monitor Installation using Snap

On several of my Linux operating systems I found that Btop++ wasn’t in the repositories, but was available via Snap package. Consequently, I only recently started using Snap after Ubuntu only included Firefox via Snap package. Snap is an interesting…