God Has Told You What is Good

The old testament is full of scriptures that outline what God wants from man, to have a humble heart before God, to love God and follow Him in a relationship of faith, doing what is right. Now post Christ we…

Overview of Shaft Drives for Bicycles

I hate chain maintenance. I hated it with my motorcycle, and I hate it with my bicycle. You have to clean and lube the chain on regular intervals, and with the motorcycle you had to adjust the rear wheel as…

The Mountain of the Lord

As the world is rapidly preparing for Antichrist to appear and be the false sign of the Messiah under the control of Satan, we have this wonderful chapter of Micah telling us about the Millennial Kingdom and the reign of…

MX Linux 23 Beta Now Available

A much easier way to run Debian with a lot of nice tools is MX Linux, and with Debian 12, Bookworm, due to be released on June 10th, the first Beta of MX Linux 23 based on Bookworm is now…

WHO Backdooring One World Government

The international WHO treaty is set to be finalized and approved next year, and would fit the timeline of Messiah 2030 ushering in the one world government and the appearance of the final antichrist. From countries giving up sovereignty and…

Trans Propaganda Back in 2004 on CSI

Modern television shows are kind of over the top with propaganda messaging, woke, and usually extremely dark. So we like to watch older shows that have a little humor, though we’ve found they’ve been propagandizing us on many of the…

Does Satan Want You Evangelizing More?

I’ve never cared for Kirk Cameron after watching the beginning of his Saving Christmas movie, which was an illogical nightmare we couldn’t turn off fast enough (see pagan origins of Christmas). So after seeing Kirk’s name keep popping up with…