Category God

God Hates Divorce

Malachi 2 has some wonderful truths, and of interest this was the last scripture breathed by God until His first appearing as Jesus the Messiah. And reiterated more than once is that there is one God. Malachi 2:10–11 [10] Have…

The Coming Day of the Lord

Zechariah 14 is one of my favorite chapters of the Bible, and a wonderful look at the Dark and Terrible Day of the Lord and the following Millennial Kingdom. As Antichrist and the world has gathered to destroy Israel prompting…

False Prophets Go Underground

After Christ returns and cleanses His people, a hatred of false prophets will exist to such a point that parents will kill their own son for prophesying lies and attributing them to God. And it’s interesting that it mentions a…

Did I Just Watch a Demon Fight?

I’ve watched this young man Payton Talbot fight since he got his contract on Dana White’s Contender Series, and though he’s looked really good, he was on a whole new level last night. And the guy he was fighting was…

The Worthless Shepherd

Zechariah 11 is a difficult chapter to decipher and has struck me as incredibly interesting. The biggest clue is the thirty pieces of silver, the price for a slave gored by a ox, which connects it easily to the price…