Category God

Rapture and Resurrection

As our world gets more and more ridiculous day by day with lawlessness and constant lying by people in authority along with one political party just obsessed with killing babies, it’s good to remember our promise that our Lord will…

Living in a Perverse World (Philippians 2:12-16)

Great sermon from the Truth Matters Conference that looks like it finally made it past Youtube’s censors and posted a couple days ago. Whenever Dr. MacArthur talks about Romans 1 and God’s view of homosexuality there is a long delay…

Why your ‘Christian’ Friends Have Become LGBT Allies

Samuel Sey has a very nice opinion piece on why “Christians” have become LGBT allies and how it’s part of a devised scheme to convert more people in society into accepting homosexual behavior as normative through family members that have…

From Darkness to Light (Ephesians 5:8-14)

Wonderful sermon on what the darkness encompasses, who is the darkness, and how our nation has fallen into neopaganism and away from Christianity. And in case you doubt, a street preacher was arrested for reading the Bible at a public…

Who is the Antichrist?

Very interesting sermon on the coming antichrist. Also the history of the spirit of antichrist in the world as we wait for the final person of antichrist to be revealed. And there was some bizarre information presented about Adolf Hitler…

Homosexuality and the Campaign for Immorality

This is a 10 year old sermon on Homosexuality that covers it perfectly from a Biblical perspective. MacArthur calls out the platform of the Democratic Party and what exactly is real hate speech regarding Homosexuals, and it’s as prescient today…

Christians and Alcohol

The historical context of wine in biblical times and how it was used for water purification, watered down, often having alcohol removed when cooked down to a reusable paste, and what exactly is “strong drink”. As a Christian who doesn’t…

What’s Wrong with Everybody?

An excellent sermon by John MacArthur on what is wrong with everybody in this world today. The New Life (Ephesians 4:17-24) 17 Now this I say and testify in the Lord, that you must no longer walk as the Gentiles do,…

When God Abandons a Nation

Applying Romans 1 to the state of nations, as it’s not just for individuals. John MacArthur is one of the top biblical expositors of our time and I use and enjoy his ESV study Bible every day. For a really…