A Call for Justice and Mercy
There are two wonderful truths here in Zechariah 7 given by God to the people that have returned to Jerusalem, rebuilding the Temple after 70 years in captivity. The main one is in God inquiring of the people if they…
There are two wonderful truths here in Zechariah 7 given by God to the people that have returned to Jerusalem, rebuilding the Temple after 70 years in captivity. The main one is in God inquiring of the people if they…
I was surprised by how high these are, and we’re not really into the depression quite yet. And with most cards having extremely high interest rates, once you fall behind you’re unlikely to get caught up unless you utilize a…
This vision of the flying scroll and the curse is rather remarkable, as the measurement is the same as the Most Holy Place in the Jewish Temple, 30 feet by 15 feet. This is God’s Holy Law being violated, with…
If like me you despise YouTube Shorts and they keep promoting them even though you click the X to make them go away, there is this handy filter below you can add to uBlock Origin to make them stay gone.…
You might investigate a data connected vehicle and figure out how to disable the data connection through they’re kind of hooking you with WiFi in the car for your passengers. You could remove the fuse, though per this report that…
It’s interesting that the wife and I have talked about there being things in that tattoo ink that is probably bad for you, but neither of us have any tattoos and we never looked into it (we both think tattoos…
Boeing is being smashed right now, and you’d have to suspect something with the megacorp media being involved and a government criminal investigation announced. Of course Airbus will be a big winner, but is someone looking to acquire Boeing stock…
This is a good and concise look at inflation and price controls with an interesting mention of history when this happened before.
Consequently, this isn’t just national parks, as I had to use a credit card at an automated terminal to get into Custer State Park in South Dakota. And with the incredible fees credit cards take you’d have to find their…
You always have to suspect survey megacorps, but these numbers seem alright and are very interesting. Republicans seem most conscious to the megacorp propaganda mills while Demonrats seem all in and hoodwinked. What we really have are people on the…