Highlighting a Couple False Teachers

A great way to tell a false teacher is when they call for unity above everything. Succinctly, there is no unity without the doctrinal foundation of Christ and His scriptural revelation. The light cannot dwell with darkness, so what unity…

Glycine to Increase Longevity and Decrease Depression

An amino acid that can significantly improves your health, and important in glutathione production, a vital anti-oxidant. And important in reducing methionine if you eat a lot of animal meat. Also can help with sleep issues. And our bodies produce…

Christian Hero Charles Stanley Goes Home at 90

One of my favorite pastors who always preached on God’s Word emphasizing a personal relationship with Jesus Christ has gone to be with our Savior. One of the interesting things I always loved about Charles was that even though he…

The Image of the Beast

A lot is being made of AI these days, and I don’t think we’re anywhere close as the hardware is insufficient, and really just math and code as programmed. Some of the examples I’ve seen of ChatGPT are too wordy,…