The Dark Origins of The Great Reset

Great write up by F. William Engdahl on the origins of The Great Reset with all the globalist elite connections. In their 1974 report, Mankind at the Turning Point, The Club of Rome further argued: Increasing interdependence between nations and…

The Most Hated Christian Doctrine

John MacArthur takes you through the most hated Christian doctrine, and how this conflicts with every other religion on earth. All human beings are born under the curse and rebellious towards God from birth, and God being holy and righteous…

Surveillance: Automated License Plate Readers

I’m reading a good book, Battlefield America: The War on the American People by John W. Whitehead, but like a lot of articles that cover the license plate reader technology, it doesn’t give the full story of how insidious this…

Privacy Search Proxies: Searxng and Whoogle

I’ve previously wrote articles on Searxng and Whoogle with how to run them with Docker, but since DigitalOcean has a free $200 worth of services for 60 days I’ve setup a Docker server with a Searxng and Whoogle instance with…

Calling Rulers to Repentance

This is a wonderful reality check on what God commands us regarding our corrupt leaders and those that manipulate them to do their will, the unelected oligarchs. It’s easy to watch the evil they’re responsible for and transfer the hatred…