The Most Important Exposé EVER: Exposing the Intel-Transhumanist Tower of Babel

Kristen puts together a lot of connections for the OCGFC technocratic schemes preparing Antichrist’s one world government. There was some people and entities I wasn’t aware of, and my knowledge of others she mentions gives credence to all the information she presents. And the reason for the election rigging in Arizona becomes a lot more interesting given the link between ASU and In-Q-Tel, the venture capitalist arm of the CIA, and how state government money is being used for their research facilities, as well as having a “Future of War” program on their campus in Washington, DC. Of interest their site has a listing for the “Future of Proxy Warfare” as part of this think tank operation, code for where assets network and socialize as they plan the future technocracy for the OCGFC, Owners and Controllers of Global Financialized Capital.