Category World

Kissinger, Me, and the Lies of the Master

A very interesting article from Seymour Hersch on his dealings with Henry Kissinger, the right hand man of David Rockefeller, and one of the masterminds of the OCGFC in the conspiracy to rule the world. I have an interesting post…

Honey Laundering: Is Your Honey Real or Fake?

Another way they’re trying to harm you and remove the health benefits of a natural product. This really shows how corrupt a lot of megacorps are as well as how captured lawmakers and regulators are to allow this dishonest behavior.…

The EU Wants to SEIZE Your Old Car to Meet Climate Goals

This is a indication of where the OCGFC desire to go with automobile ownership, and that’s to create crazy regulations so they can seize and scrap your vehicle. In London they’ve already excluded vehicles that don’t meet their emission standards…

UFO Cover for the Coming Rapture

I’ve been ignoring all the UFO blather, but I’m seeing it promoted in alternative conservative media a bit too much lately. And we have had testimony in Congress about UFOs being real, and we have a congress critter below putting…

Geneva: The Head of the Snake

This is an interesting report on a vaccine injured man, Pascal Najadi, suing his Swiss government along with Pfizer and the US FDA for the COVID gene therapy bioweapon that is killing him, his wife, and his mother. The true…