Category God

The Beast the World Is Preparing For

The Beast of the tribulation period, per Revelation 13 quoted in full at bottom, can also be referred to as Monster as well as Antichrist. In this chapter we get reference to Antichrist who will rule the one world government…

Demons Unleashed on the World

Reading Revelation 9 this morning, it’s a chapter devoted to the judgement of God releasing the fallen angels on mankind who have rejected God. This is terrifying for anyone left in the tribulation who has not been led to salvation…

Truth About Reconciliation to God

Something that bothers me greatly about some pastors and Christians is a desperate plea for ministry, because someone could go to hell because you didn’t share the gospel message with them. But as Christ said no one can come to…

Why the Nuclear Propaganda?

The MI6 BBC article below got me thinking a bit more as I was already suspicious because of the Oppenheimer movie supplanting the Mission Impossible Tom Cruise movie release on July 4th (I won’t copy it as its best to…

Pfizer Plant Damaged by Tornado

And these things are referred to as an act of God by insurance companies, so? And another interesting one is below regarding a George Floyd mural and the idolization of a drug addicted criminal that died from a fentanyl overdose…

False Teacher Greg Laurie

It’s an old story, but a giant red flag is anyone that promotes unity in the church as they’re most likely trying to get real Christians to overlook and allow in the polluted and polluting false “Christians” along with their…

Daniel 7

The vision of Daniel 7 is full of so much prophecy and eschatology and is a rather remarkable chapter of scripture. We have the future world kingdoms presented as beasts, the current kingdom a lion with eagles wings representing the…