Tonex – Squandered Opportunity?
Playing with Navidrome and listening to old digital music, I’ve made a couple posts about artists who start well and end not so well (1, 2), with this one being perhaps the saddest example. Tonex grew up in a church…
Playing with Navidrome and listening to old digital music, I’ve made a couple posts about artists who start well and end not so well (1, 2), with this one being perhaps the saddest example. Tonex grew up in a church…
This is a phenomenal sermon with rich historical detail on what the Apostle Paul meant when he said we are adopted into the family of God and made heir with Christ. And perhaps this historical perspective is the most powerful…
The Christian (com)Post had an article about Beth Moore’s friend Jennifer Rothschild who became blind at an early age and leading a similar ministry “for women”, and you can’t miss the name, though she appears to have married into the…
I’ve done a previous post about musical artists that start strong, but end poorly. And we’re just talking facts, as I’m not their judge. And when you find success in entertainment, strong temptations will follow along with industry compromise. But…
Our Lord Jesus having blinded Saul who would become the Apostle Paul, tells him plainly his new mission is to turn people from the demonic powers running the world, with control of the lost, from darkness to light, back to…
This is a powerful sermon just packed with truth for us believers. Though three yeas old, it’s still very relevant. Consequently, the best way to understand the predestination of Christians is to realize that God is outside of the dimension…
First, I hate to post this because of the source, as I’m not a fan of Billy Graham or his subversive organizations, and Billy Graham is on record saying that Christ is not the only way to God, So Canada…
John MacArthur has been in the hospital for a couple weeks as they try to figure out what is wrong and come up with a treatment (personally I suspect all the white coat treatments he’s received already). I’ll include a…
I’ve been enjoying Navidrome which is a fabulous project for accessing your digital music through a very nice web interface. Consequently, some old music hasn’t aged well, but there are some albums that are timeless and very well done. Which…
My post, Why Bible Believing Christians Should Expect Conspiracies, goes into background on the cordial relationship between God and Satan as displayed in Job 1. And taken with Jude where some fallen angels are locked away until the tribulation because…
God has said it clearly, it is noble to examine the scriptures daily with all eagerness. When your relationship is restored with God, His word becomes something you desire as a morsel of food, to be taken and absorbed into…
Reconciliation with God is pretty easy with one caveat, and that is to believe in Jesus and who He said He was, and that He was God who came into His creation as one of us human beings to be…