

Vitamin D and How They Keep You Unhealthy

A good seven minute video on the history of vitamin D and how the white coats have purposely smeared it along with recommending a very low dose to make you unhealthy. After all, this all about getting you the wealth…

A Trinity of Important Truths to Live By

There are some wonderful truths given in Deuteronomy 8 with very direct examples involving Israel, and a very famous one that God quoted Himself to Satan as the man Jesus Christ. The manna came by the word and command of…

Repays to Their Face Those Who Hate Him, by Destroying Them

This is an exceedingly poignant message from God to the Israelites right after God told them to wipe out seven nations who were judged for their paganism, including sexual immorality to child sacrifice (sound familiar?). In the quoted scripture below,…