

Divine Design for Family

This is an extraordinary sermon full of the knowledge of God’s design for the family. Most poignantly, John MacArthur calls out the abuse being done to children in our modern society from being put on pharma products to be more…

Don’t Get Tricked by the Elon Musk Psyop

I have a couple posts on Elon Musk, the Young Global Leader of the WEF who are implementing the The Great Reset on the world. It would appear they’re further trying to endear Elon to the world in preparation for…

Healthy Gingersnap Cookie Recipe

I make these a lot and just made a batch yesterday, and they’re actually pretty healthy because of the ingredients with nutritional benefits. We like to taste the ginger so we’ve changed from one tablespoon to two healthy tablespoons (recipe…

The Great Reset Ramping Up in the Netherlands

In their quest to meet sustainable development goals for the new technocracy, 3,000 farms to be shut down and sold or face government force. Pay close attention to what Rosa Koire said in the interview about their plan to move…

The Devine Design for Marriage

As it looks like the RINO traitors in the U.S. Senate have joined Democrats and passed the “Respect for Marriage Act”, it’s worth pointing out that their titles are always the opposite of what the law truly intends. Analysis so…