

AMA Has Jumped the Shark

Reason has been lost in this clown world. The BMI, Body Mass Index, is racist because it was based on white people by the original founder. And check out this word salad as the AMA approves “protect access to evidence-based…

One of the Ways the White Coats Kill You

Someone did a study on how they remove part of the stomach to lower your appetite as a treatment for obese people, and the study showed this affects bone density for young people. Consequently, I worked for AT&T for 18…

Rulers and Prophets Denounced

It’s a timeless story of humanity, men go their own way why giving lip service to God and expect to receive no punishment for all the transgressions they commit along with all the lives they destroy. Both positions of government…

Transheuser Busch Inbev

I do think it’s great that people have boycotted Bud Light beer in protest to the transing of America, but we’re dealing with a megacorp that owns hundreds of beer brands. So as we learn that Modelo has surpassed Bud…

The Rapture of the Church

Humans and their human intellectualism get caught up in all kinds of traditions and overcomplicated theories, but God has made things clear for anyone to grasp using simple logical deduction. Not that there isn’t value in the knowledge of history…

Using God for Political Gain

I thought Trump and his WEF YGL daughter was bad, especially with him surrounding himself with false teachers and letting Satanic agents put hands on him while they prayed to their god. But billionaire backed Ron DeSantis is really using…

A Different Way to Look at Immigration Numbers

The way the world is growing unhinged and coming after children really points to God extracting His church to start the 7 year tribulation period, where He judges the world before Jesus Christ returns for His Millennial Kingdom to rule…