Telegram Founder Pavel Durov Arrested in France

I never trusted Telegram, as when I had researched it they open sourced the phone application, but the server code was proprietary. And for end to end encryption they had a custom protocol with their supposed audits being sketchy, along…

RFK Jr. Was Always a Trump Operative

Just like Ramaswamy was a Trump operative to attack the other Republican candidates in Trump’s absence at the debates, RFK Jr. was an op to take votes away from the Demonrats. What’s of interest is his vice presidential pick who…

Oprah Is An Idiot

This is hilarious, and what a clown show the Demonrat National Convention is. I’m reminded of the one year during Obama where they booed God. And that would be the same God that has said He will repay to their…

Poppin (Remix)

Many Christian hip-hop artists who are black can’t free themselves from the false paradigm of institutionalized racism in America, which is a myth. When I worked for AT&T, we had a black female executive over our division with black employees…

His Ways are Just

Before Moses’ death, God gave the Israelites a song as a witness against them. And we know that Israel turned from God to the worship of demons even including child sacrifice with all kinds of debauchery, and God removed them…