Mikrotik Winbox 4 Beta

Mikrotik is a Latvian company that makes wonderful routers and switches, having gotten their start with wireless ISPs. Their hardware is very capable and affordable, and unlike the other megacorp providers they don’t drown you in fees for extra features.…

Joy Propaganda Equals Black Joy?

I thought I’d put these two clips together from the No Agenda Show, as this seems pretty clearly the direction they’re going with propagandizing Commiela’s campaign. When one speaks of Joy, the only meaningful Joy is from God as a…

The Coming of Our Lord at the End of the Age

The Thessalonian Church was a commended church in the Pauline letters receiving only encouragement. And some very good instructions were given for living the Christian life while waiting for the Lord to collect His Church, with the primary one being…

Mount Blue Sky

Yesterday we journeyed to Mount Blue Sky west of Denver, where you can drive up to almost the top of the 14,258 ft mountain with the highest paved road in North America. You have wonderful views and can see downtown…

Trump Would Veto a National Abortion Ban: Vance

This is interesting political theater for you (story below). It makes you wonder if the lies of the Commiela campaign and megacorp media were having some effect that Trump’s VP choice is addressing it openly. And It betrays Trump saying…

Ham Radio Still Alive And Kicking In Wyoming

A nice article on ham radio in Wyoming operating Parks on the Air. Casey Freund of Thermopolis, Wyoming, goes by the call sign KC7E, but that’s not his TikTok handle. He’s one of the few who don’t need Wi-Fi…