The Sinner’s Prayer

Of great interest and greatly disturbing in the video below is the way the false teachers are using the sinner’s prayer and Jesus’ name to lull the unsaved into thinking they’re saved. I believe the sinner’s prayer is for the…

Clearly Filtered

After learning that my water district is using Fluoride and our water pitcher and refrigerator filters were not supposed to be removing it, I bought a Clearly Filtered water pitcher to try why we looked into reverse osmosis filtration for…

The Fallout Caused by Remdesivir

This is a great example of how the white coats following treatment protocols will kill you and most won’t question it a bit, and the government will give them a financial reward for violating their oath to do no harm.…

Real Christians: Get Ready

A couple glimpses of how quickly this Satanic world system can pivot against us. During the days of Covid-19 lockdowns look at how Santa Clara County paid exorbitant amounts of money to track one church that was defying their orders…

Switching Branches in Manjaro

Manjaro Linux is based on Arch Linux, but it uses its own software repos so you’re not using the latest Arch packages directly from the Arch repos. Part of the reason is that Manjaro has it’s own kernels, utilities and…

AllScan v0.65 Tips for Hamvoip

The new AllScan version v0.65 has a couple quirks for Hamvoip if you want to upgrade (note: I upgraded from v0.45). What I do is clone the repo and then after selecting version (git tag for versions), copy the files…