Category World

Evangelicalism Divided

I posted a nice write up on the true Billy Graham linked to Freemasonry, but halfway through Evangelism Divided: A Record of Crucial Change in the Years 1950 to 2000, Author Iain Murray has well documented the destructive influence of…

John MacArthur’s Great Grandfather a Mason?

In a world dominated by secret societies and globalist elites that control just about everything with a conspiracy to destroy Christian churches and organizations that has been incredibly successful by their Freemason organization, it appears John MacArthur’s family was heavily…

The Untold Story Behind Billy Graham

I had issues with Billy Graham after watching one of his crusade television programs where he was promoting people join any church including the Roman Catholics as well a liberal denominations, as opposed to a good Bible centered and focused…

New World Religion Series

I posted a link to Part I of the series yesterday which was quite long and illuminating. And reading Part II and going through the material, it’s worth posting the links to the series. Dr. Eric T. Karlstrom having retired…

The Dark Origins of The Great Reset

Great write up by F. William Engdahl on the origins of The Great Reset with all the globalist elite connections. In their 1974 report, Mankind at the Turning Point, The Club of Rome further argued: Increasing interdependence between nations and…

Surveillance: Automated License Plate Readers

I’m reading a good book, Battlefield America: The War on the American People by John W. Whitehead, but like a lot of articles that cover the license plate reader technology, it doesn’t give the full story of how insidious this…