State House Dumps Wyoming Cloud Seeding Program
Chemtrails is a conspiracy right? This cloud seeding has been going on in a lot of areas but covered up in the media. And we see a Demonrat below in the article who is fighting to keep it, using the…
Chemtrails is a conspiracy right? This cloud seeding has been going on in a lot of areas but covered up in the media. And we see a Demonrat below in the article who is fighting to keep it, using the…
We left California in 2020, but years before we noticed that the wildfire situation was different. Whenever there was going to be a large wind event, we had a lot of suspicious fires started. Some started in the middle of…
The propaganda is working, as it appears people can no longer think for themselves. By Tyler Durden If the last years have shown us anything, it’s that a lot can change, fast. While many events cannot be foreseen, can…
They started with fearmongering about a coming ice age and even had Leonard Nimoy involved in a propaganda piece, but then shifted to global warming. It’s the absolute epitome of human arrogance to think they understand the earth’s climate, as…
An interesting weather phenomenon I’ve yet to encounter. Those giant snowballs that seem to roll themselves are a rare weather phenomenon called snow rollers, meteorologist Don Day says. Basically, wind and gravity roll them up the same way you…
A little sensationalist as this agenda will take time, but it’s already happened in some areas where people volunteered and were surprised when their A/C was cut. I have a previous post with a lot of links and more detail…
His credentials our impressive, and he’s giving this speech off the cuff just periodically looking at notes. And I didn’t include the transcript below and just the video as it’s worth watching (see link for transcript). And there have been…
Seems like some climate nonsense as the old system was fine, but you have to scare the masses with weather. The National Weather Service is getting rid of “wind chill” in its winter weather warnings, which sounds like good…
I kept seeing this in my YouTube feed, and finally watched it. A good video on what it’s like to get trapped in a hurricane and flooding from so much rain. Good tip if traveling, download map data to your…
Repost: A lot is being made of weather manipulation recently, and there is a lot more to it than just chemtrails which was recently documented in California with glacier samples taken from Mt. Shasta, and the telling part is HAARP,…
The No Agenda Show had them gem of a clip, with FEMA taking over a Hotel so rescued hurricane victims can’t get a room. Hilariously, I was just listening to a ham tell a story that during a manhunt he…
A very good first hand report of the Chimney Rock area showing the devastation and what’s going on with cleanup.