Category Tech

Microsoft Recall is NOT Mandatory?!?

I don’t run Windows 11, nor do I plan to, but it’s interesting to see where the megacorp that is Microsoft is up to as they’re in on Agenda 2030 and the inbound globalist technocracy. And you can’t disable all…

End-to-End Encrypted Cloud Storage in the Wild

Their website it more interactive and provided below with more information, and I’ve linked to their paper at bottom. But it goes to show you that you just can’t trust third parties with important data. Run your own solutions you…

How To Run Debian Sid (Relatively) Safely

As an experiment because VMware Workstation has issues with some of the latest GNU/Linux distributions, I’ve been running Debian Stable, Debian Testing and Debian Unstable. And running Unstable can be extremely interesting if you try to use full-upgrade or dist-upgrade…