Category God

Google Prepares for ‘The Event’

When you look at the WEF preparing for disease X with a global response under the new WHO treaty ammendments, billionaires rushing to build their luxury bunkers, and now Google changing advertiser’s terms of service for a “sensitive event”, just…

Important Truths of the Bible

From the very beginning of scripture in the first book we have the fundamental truth of faith, being saved by trusting and believing God. Consequently, we’re extremely blessed because of Jesus Christ’s propitiation for our transgressions against God and all…

UFO Cover for the Coming Rapture

I’ve been ignoring all the UFO blather, but I’m seeing it promoted in alternative conservative media a bit too much lately. And we have had testimony in Congress about UFOs being real, and we have a congress critter below putting…

The Day of the Lord Will Come

This is the last written words from the Apostle Peter before his crucifixion, and there are some wonderful truths here. Perhaps the most pertinent for the rejecters of God is that God is patient with the world, not unleashing His…

Christians and Alcohol

As you live life and participate in the workforce you meet many people who claim to be “Christian” brothers and sisters, but as you watch many of them their conduct doesn’t look very different from the pagans who deny Christ.…