Category God

Transgressors Stumble In Them

What a simple truth from God, that the discerning learn the ways of God, walking in them because they are right, but the rebellious stumble in them. Why do so many choose their empty transgressions over reconciliation with their Creator…

There Is No Savior but God

When Israel, the northern kingdom also referred to as Ephraim, had gone their own way to the point of impending judgement (sounds like the U.S.A.) God sent Hosea to warn them. With God there is always time to repent and…

Because You Have Trusted in Your Own Way

The prophet Hosea had an unfortunate mission to love an adulterous woman, which was an illustration of the northern kingdom Israel and the southern kingdom Judah who whored themselves to other Gods and their pagan sexual immorality with sacred prostitution,…

What Does God Desire?

Do you love God and are you Saved? An easy way to tell is if you draw closer to Him by learning from what He has painstakingly left you throughout history, digging into His Word daily. Consequently, Jesus Christ, God…

God’s Warning to Israel, and to the U.S.A.

Hosea was a prophet that warned Israel of their abandonment of God for demonic idolatry, and that God was about to abandon them. And Israel was conquered and ceased to be a nation leaving only Judah who eventually suffered the…

The Truth Behind MLK’s Social Gospel

And it is spiritually fitting that anything with MLK’s name on is usually drug invested and a dangerous place to be. We actually have a park dedicated to MLK here in Cheyenne, but just about every time I bicycle through,…