Oprah Is An Idiot
This is hilarious, and what a clown show the Demonrat National Convention is. I’m reminded of the one year during Obama where they booed God. And that would be the same God that has said He will repay to their…
This is hilarious, and what a clown show the Demonrat National Convention is. I’m reminded of the one year during Obama where they booed God. And that would be the same God that has said He will repay to their…
Many Christian hip-hop artists who are black can’t free themselves from the false paradigm of institutionalized racism in America, which is a myth. When I worked for AT&T, we had a black female executive over our division with black employees…
What else would you expect in a world run by Satan himself? It is interesting that they’re fighting so hard to take down all the people shining a light on it. by Tyler Durden Update (1000ET): Several X accounts…
Lately I’ve been watching a lot of these videos and seeing what law enforcement has to deal with, which is an irrational public that can’t follow the simplest of commands or apply any logic with their drug addled brains. So…
Is this YouTube jumping the shark? It’s funny in that they have a successful service if they would just get out of the way, as all their moves to control content creators and what people view is ruining the platform…
To successfully run from the Arkansas State Troopers requires a higher displacement motorcycle with more RPM range as their Chargers can do 150 mph and this guy got hazed by officers for trying to do it with a 400cc machine…
A couple stories to make you smile. Consequently, it reminds me of the drunk male Karen that broke the teenager’s fishing pole because they were trying to fish in a private lake, supposedly with permission. They might have egged him…
This is pretty funny. And you have to wonder how she can’t figure it out?
This is a free sweepstakes with a chance to win two motorcycles, a 2024 Honda Transalp and the 1974 restored Honda XL250 below. Also included is a helmet, airbag riding vest, and $500 gift card. It’s worth entering. The only…
These are excellently edited, narrated and informative police encounter videos. This first one is quite hilarious as the handcuffed suspect runs off and face plants in someone’s yard, and then cries about his injury. Not only busted with drugs, on…
Humor is supposed to get you to look at the world from a slightly different perspective, and in this time of utter ridiculousness this hits the mark.
I was out on the NFL years ago because they covered over the New England Cheaters’ many sins and destroyed the video evidence (changed the outcome of at least one Superbowl), but if you’re still watching this subversive organization it…