


I think the opinion below sums it up nicely, and where is the sanctity of life? Oh wait, Mr. Operation Warp Speed is leading the party. Consequently, I grabbed the text from UC Santa Barbara, but linked to the PDF…

Trump and Operation Warp Speed

With everyone being rallied around Trump, a member of the OCGFC (Owners and Controllers of Global Financialized Capital) playing the role in controlled opposition, let’s look at some examples of his great work with Operation Warp Speed. And Trump has…

One World Religion Headquarters?

I may have seen this and not thought much of it at the time, but it has resurfaced. And I have a post on how one day while reading the book of Revelation I came to suspect the prince of…

China Unofficially Enters The Ukraine War

China holding joint drills with Belarus on Poland’s border certainly sends a message. WW3 edges closer By The Underdog China, who have previously tried to appear neutral regarding the Ukraine war, has now taken visible and active military steps…