COINTOP – CLI Cryptocurrency Tracking
Cointop is a small CLI program written in Go that will allow you to track cryptocurrency prices as well as track the value of what you hodl. And it even presents a chart with an adjustable time period. This is…
Cointop is a small CLI program written in Go that will allow you to track cryptocurrency prices as well as track the value of what you hodl. And it even presents a chart with an adjustable time period. This is…
I always hated Fox News, but not because I’m a liberal (I’m not). Fox was always a fake conservative front parroting the GOP establishment messaging and candidates that always represented the same globalist elites as the Demonrats. So to be…
Very interesting article attributing some excess deaths to Covid-19 infections by variants impacting weakened immune systems of those vaccinated. And the “experts” have admitted that your immunity wanes after the doses of the gene therapy and people vaccinated keep getting…
A very good write up by a Yale Professor and medical doctor on these vaccine codes they want in your medical records that will show if you received the experimental gene therapies. Given the heavy handedness with which the government…
As God’s Church, true believers in Jesus Christ, are snatched out of the earth and we transition to the Tribulation, and the latter half, the Great Tribulation, wrapping up this age leading to the Millennial reign of God, Jesus Christ,…
Andy Stanley is getting exposed for the cancerous element to the church that he really is. Funny, in the video below the truth sneaks out as Andy says “you’re to be as wise as serpents” laughing and correcting himself to…
Project Veritas set up a Pfizer executive who admitted a lot of things about Covid-19 vaccines in what appeared to be a homosexual date, or so he thought. The interesting part of the story is the coverup. Some of his…
What these globalist elites warn us about are things they have planned and in the pipeline, or at least an option on the table. If I had to speculate, this will coincide with some dystopian scheme to get people to…
It’s supposed to reflect Ruth Bader Ginsburg and the protection of child sacrifice from the womb but the horns are in your face. The Satanists are really coming out in the open as the time grows closer for the final…
The sad fact is the evidence is there in the patent filings and internal documents. But the globalist elites behind this horrendous plandemic also control the politicians, the judges, the federal bureaucracies… So will justice be served for the lives…
Looking into interesting GNU/Linux distributions and I found Ubuntu Christian Edition. Basically it’s Ubuntu LTS 22.04 with Christian software preinstalled, so read that as Bible and reference book software, DNS client for switching to filtered DNS providers, content blocking, church…
You will eat ze bugs, and you will like it (imagine voice of bond villain Mr. WEF Klaus Schwab). This is a serious effort to replace our normal food proteins with bugs. I envision the bug bars in the back…