Real Christians: Get Ready

A couple glimpses of how quickly this Satanic world system can pivot against us. During the days of Covid-19 lockdowns look at how Santa Clara County paid exorbitant amounts of money to track one church that was defying their orders and using cellular location data and surveillance. Consequently, John MacArther’s church won their lawsuit and $800k from Los Angeles County, but Calvery Chapel in San Jose is still fighting the county in court.

Inspectors from the county’s COVID-19 Business Compliance Unit spent a total of 51 hours conducting stakeouts near Calvary Chapel San Jose between November 25, 2020 and January 3, 2021, observing everything from Sunday services to baptisms and prayer groups, Zweig reported. Enforcement officers, who were paid $219 an hour, wrote in great detail about church activities, noting each violation of the mask mandate, social distancing policy and state-wide ban on singing.

Using cellular mobility data from a company called SafeGraph, which aggregates location data from 47 million devices nationwide to show movement patterns, the county also set up a geofence around the church building to track how many people visited each day, documents obtained by Zweig show. The county paid Stanford Law Professor Daniel Ho $800 an hour to analyze the data, determining there was a daily peak of 1,700 people visiting in early 2021.

It’s generally thought that after World War II American oligarchs took over running the world from the English oligarchs primarily led by JP Morgan and then the Rockefellers after his death, but if you check out the New World Religion series, the Rothschilds are reported to still be the main globalist elite family running the world. And the English were the ones that helped America form the CIA to exert control and influence in the same way the English used their intelligence service. And the Five Eyes intelligence cooperative includes the UK, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the US. Consequently, if we look at the countries under the crown, we can get an idea of what the globalist elites would like to bring to America as they have firmer control in England because of the crown.

Enter in a street preacher arrested for preaching in public and espousing our Christian beliefs from God’s word who is now being referred to UK’s counter-terrorism police for saying a man in woman’s clothing was a man in woman’s clothing. So as our world is being dominated by rebellious sinners that approve of one another’s escalating sins, anyone calling out their sin is to be targeted. Today that’s LGBTQ ideology or speaking ill of Satanic religious systems like Islam, but there are organized efforts to legitimize even more heinous sins as well as cracking down on voices speaking out that the one who practices sin will not make it into the Kingdom of God and face the second death. So as we are living in a post truth world, get ready to face persecution for speaking the truth and telling people they are doomed and heading to Hell for their sins and transgressions against a Holy and Just God. unless they receive the gift of grace and atonement for sin by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ who took on our transgressions so God could be just and justifier, reconciling believers to Himself, adopting them into the family of God, to spend eternity with Him.

A Christian street preacher was reportedly referred to the UK’s counter-terrorism police after saying that a so-called “transwoman” was really a “man in woman’s clothing”.

“This case represents a disturbing trend in our society which is seeing members of the public and professionals being prosecuted and reported as potential terrorists for refusing to celebrate and approve LGBTQ ideology,” Andrea Williams, chief executive of the Christian Legal Centre reportedly said regarding the case.

“The Bible teaches clearly that we are born male and female; this belief and the freedom to express it in public without fear of being arrested or reported as a terrorist to Prevent must be protected,” she went on to say.

The Daily Mail goes on to report that McConnell is in the process of appealing his 2021 conviction.

The country is also now regularly cracking down on the practice of the Christian faith as a whole, with politicians writing to the Church of England demanding it change its doctrine on gay marriage, while those who dare to silently pray in the general vicinity of abortion clinics frequently face arrest for the thought crime.

Britain’s court system was forced to clear two pro-life Christians of wrongdoing last month after police arrested them for engaging in silent prayer near an abortion facility due to the fact that law enforcement was unable to provide sufficient evidence they were doing anything wrong.

However, one of those cleared by the court, Isabel Vaughan-Spruce, has since reportedly been arrested again by police for silent prayer outside a facility.

A side observation, that one of the ways God works in the world is by the prayers of His believers. I have a hypothesis of there being rules between God and Satan, that if Satan has more followers he is given greater latitude to act, as the Apostle Paul was savagely beaten in many areas and driven away (possibly killed and brought back to life in one instance), but told to remain in Corinth.

Acts 18:9–11

[9] And the Lord said to Paul one night in a vision, “Do not be afraid, but go on speaking and do not be silent, [10] for I am with you, and no one will attack you to harm you, for I have many in this city who are my people.” [11] And he stayed a year and six months, teaching the word of God among them. (ESV)

Moreover, a way to tip the scales is if God’s people cry out to God so God can intervene more per His arrangement with Satan. So it’s of great interest that Satan’s system is persecuting those pro-life Christians praying outside clinics for the women contemplating the death of their children as it must be having an impact that needed to be addressed.

James 5:16–18

The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working. [17] Elijah was a man with a nature like ours, and he prayed fervently that it might not rain, and for three years and six months it did not rain on the earth. [18] Then he prayed again, and heaven gave rain, and the earth bore its fruit. (ESV)