‘General Public Unaware’ Of Push to Normalize Pedophilia In Culture And Academia

A very good article on the push to normalize pedophilia, “minor attracted persons”, which is part of a concerted effort to undermine morality in western society as all sins are accepted and celebrated. And pay close attention to the academic promoting recognition of pedophilia and though she resigned from one position, landed another with a corrupt institution of “higher learning”. They have to take care of their assets and I wouldn’t be surprised if she didn’t write her book.

Normalizing pedophilia ultimately could lead to a major cultural change—elevating pedophilia to a protected class.

“They are going to push to have it recognized as a sexual orientation, which would grant it civil rights status,” Uhler said.

If that happens, employers could no longer discriminate against pedophiles in areas such as employment, he said.

And if teens are given the legal right to decide if they want to have a sex-change operation or take hormones to try to appear as the other sex, that could help make it legal for pedophiles to act on their sexual urges, he predicted.

If children legally can decide what they can do with their bodies, then pedophiles could argue that they should be able to consent to a sexual relationship, he said.

“They’re jackals that are feeding off the carcasses of these kids,” he said. “The predator’s interest is ultimately lowering the age of consent.”

The general public doesn’t understand what is happening, he said. It’s one of the defining issues of our time, he added.

The first stage of the sexual revolution occurred with the introduction of feminism. The second came with the legalization of abortion, which coincided with more women moving into the workforce, he said.

The third stage began in 2015 when the U.S. Supreme Court held in a 5–4 decision that the 14th Amendment required states to grant same-sex marriages.

Homosexuality had been considered a mental disorder until the American Psychiatric Association voted in 1973 to take it off the list. Clark said the decision was political, not scientific.

Pedophilia remains on the list of mental disorders, but Clark thinks it’s only a matter of time before the designation is removed.

“This is all just part of a long march to normalizing everything,” he said.

Florida attorney Jeff Childers, who has fought against mask mandates and helped parents oppose sexualization in schools, said looking back at how homosexuality became recognized as an orientation may offer insight into what could happen.

Once homosexuality became normalized, it led to the repeal of sodomy laws, Childers noted.

“That’s how it went for homosexuality. I will bet you a steak dinner the pedophiles have observed how it went for gay people,” he said.
