The Grim Reality of the Last Days (Mark 13:1-13)

This is an older sermon, but MacArthur does an excellent job of explaining the mirror reflection of Islamic eschatology as compared to Christianity. And with there being so much detail shared between both, you just have to conclude this is…

Ritualism Verses Obedience

During a fast that had become more ritual than obedience, the people inquired of the Lord who made the point of their fast being more self-pity and ritual instead of showing obedience with a heart directed towards God. Making the…

Krogers Brings NYC Style Pricing to Rest of America

NSFW: Unfortunately Louis Rossman uses too much unnecessary profanity, but the insight about NYC and price gouging is worth a watch and is quite fascinating. And this is what everyone is saying Krogers is up to with electronic shelve pricing.…

Ryan Ellis – Real Love

Ryan Ellis has released an excellent new album and I’ve included a few tracks he had up on YouTube. He’s my favorite Christian artist and musical artist for that matter going on some time now. He has a nice falsetto…