Why You Want to Escape Hell and Choose Life

This is an excellent sermon on Hell, and why you don’t want to end up there. We also have to cherish talks by John MacArthur as he’s had some health issues relating to procedures performed by the white coats, and…

FDA Admits Covid mRNA ‘Vaccines’ Cause Cancer

And yet they’re not pulled from the market, and I just saw a story they’re still promoting pregnant women take these highly experimental and untested gene therapies after everything that has come out. At this point you’re a fool to…

Less Than Half Of Americans Use A Credit Card

Credit cards are convenient in paying online, charging such high transaction fees that they kickback some to you to get your business (probably a wash with vendors charging more), different insurance programs on purchases including rental cars and travel, virtual…

The Coming Day of the Lord

Zechariah 14 is one of my favorite chapters of the Bible, and a wonderful look at the Dark and Terrible Day of the Lord and the following Millennial Kingdom. As Antichrist and the world has gathered to destroy Israel prompting…