Israel Will See Christ Face to Face Again

Ezekiel 20 below has God give the history of rebellious Israel who rejected Him for idols, worshiping demons, and sacrificing their children among many other abominations. God had to wipe out a generation in the wilderness after rescuing them from…

Will Children Be Raptured With the Church

In Christian theology it is believed that until a child reaches the age of maturity or accountability, they are covered by the grace of God as a believer. God gives us creation and our conscience to know that God exists…

GNU/Linux Kernel 6.3 Available in Manjaro

Using the Manjaro Manager, you can add GNU/Linux Kernel 6.3. Below is a summary of what’s new. by Marius Nestor Linus Torvalds announced today the release and general availability of Linux 6.3 as the latest and greatest kernel series for…

Gnome Terminator

If you have to manage a bunch of servers or machines from the CLI, Terminator is a pretty impressive terminal emulator that allows for easy tiling, moving windows, custom layouts, and easy maneuvering between windows with ALT arrow. I’ve only…

The Soul Who Sins Shall Die

This is a foundational Old Testament chapter of Ezekiel that judgement is based on the faith and conduct of the individual. In talking of physical death many that die in their sins are also looking at spiritual death, the second…

The LORD’s Faithless Bride

Ezekiel 16 is the longest chapter, and it is so sad and indicting that ancient rabbis wouldn’t allow it to be read in public. God who had built up and made Israel a strong nation turned from their Creator to…

Grace Verses Legalism

This is a powerful message on the gospel of forgiveness through grace with no works required. To adhere to the law in any capacity, or rely on human effort and works is to take away God’s glory in being both…