Category World

11 Great Reasons To Stay In California

Wish we would have seen this before leaving California as they make a persuasive case. But joking aside, one of our favorite memories was in the moving truck and seeing “Now leaving California.” If we knew how great it was…

Visualization of Who Holds US Debt

Keep in mind that we keep adding debt, never paying this down, and a huge chunk of tax money each year goes to servicing the debt, paying interest to all these other countries and individuals that are financing our incredibly…

The Fake ‘Food as Medicine’ Agenda

A break down on how the globalist elites want to replace real food with their fake alternatives which will be devastating for your health. Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola Story at-a-glance The food supply is under attack. Whether it…

Things Are Getting Very Sustainable

In case you’re not aware, Russia isn’t the rebel to the globalist elite you might think. WEF bond villain Klaus Schwab has called Putin one of his Young Global Leaders. They’re doing the same one world government things the west…