Category World

More Political Theater, Meet Tulsi Gabbard

Update: This post is from Oct 14, 2022, and with Tulsi’s involvement in the Trump campaign and being nominated as Director of National Intelligence, it’s worth revisiting. Alternative conservative media is really hyping up her nomination, but all that glitters…

Video Game Propaganda Analysis

This is some interesting analysis and he makes his case on the “Satanic Gay Slop” they’re trying to force down people’s throats in the big AAA games. But just like the election, the media spin on behalf of the megacorps…

California, Other States, May Soon Ban Motorhome Sales

Common sense would tell you that motorhomes don’t get driven that much, so they don’t need to have the most stringent fuel efficiency and emissions standards. This will drive these states to sell more trailers, which will wear out these…

Is California Setting the Stage for Secession?

We should be so lucky. But jokes aside, this looks like a nice underhanded way to erode state rights. And using California is actually pretty ingenious as it will appeal to the right, who ultimately are the target to be…