Category World

Why Have So Many People ‘Died Suddenly’?

Brian C Joondeph, MD, wrote a nice opinion piece bringing in several sources of analysis, and though nothing really new it’s very well done and makes several points succinctly. A few brave researchers are chronicling these “sudden” and “unexplained” deaths,…

Thailand to Nullify Pfizer Contract

It would seem the royal family of Thailand was not in on the globalist elite plandemic gene therapy wealth transfer scheme, and the 44 year old daughter of the king took the highly experimental gene therapy and is still in…

Eggs – Reports Feed Stops Egg Laying

There are a lot of people raising chickens for eggs complaining of their hens not laying eggs on a couple brands of commercial food, one that tracks back to Purina. According to the Lunatic Farmer it is thought that the…

Moscow Vs. Davos? Let’s Ask Russian Alt Media

Interesting interview with a Russian blogger Anna Rudneva about how Russia isn’t so divested from what all the nations are doing in working towards the Great Reset. They still won’t let the unvaccinated return to work, and they just passed…

Bitcoin Price in Nigeria at a 60% Premium

In a previous post I highlighted how Nigeria was limiting ATM withdrawals as a means of forcing people to transact electronically. And this was a great example of how they’ll eventually force us off cash and onto the Central Bank…

Lots of “Died Suddenly” Today

But don’t worry, it’s not the highly experimental and untested gene therapy, or is it? How long will they be able to keep the sheeple in the dark on what they have done to them? Consequently, 2nd Smartest Guy in…

Another Deadly Pile-Up on Interstate 80 in Wyoming

Back in early March of 2020 the wife and I had packed up our belongings and headed from Northern California to our new home in Cheyenne, Wyoming (finally a red state). First we were stopped with chain restrictions over the…