Category Tech

Microsoft Recall is MANDATORY

Why is Microsoft forcing Recall on users when they said they wouldn’t? Once my desktop running Windows 10 for gaming goes end of life, I’m done with Microsoft (maybe sooner as every other computer I have, which is many, runs…

VMware Workstation 17.6.1 Pro Release Notes

I had skipped VMware Workstation 17.6 because posts on Reddit said they experienced screen tearing with 3D GUI support and downgraded to 17.5. Since 17.6.1 came out today I thought I’d try it, and no issues so far in my…

Banks to Join Swift Digital Asset Trials in 2025

What’s interesting here is the intersection of digital assets, currencies, CBDCs, and tracking. They certainly seem to be positioning themselves to be able to make any kind of financial transactions around the world. Of course, some digital assets like Bitcoin…