Category Health

Quality Control Anyone?

Do modern drug addled workers explain such poor quality control? And not just legal and illegal recreational drugs, but all the people taking anti-depressants and other scam pharmaceutical mental health drugs. Which I might add they’re not only advertising directly…

Why Americans No Longer Trust the Healthcare System

You always have to suspect survey megacorps, but these numbers seem alright and are very interesting. Republicans seem most conscious to the megacorp propaganda mills while Demonrats seem all in and hoodwinked. What we really have are people on the…

Wyoming Food Freedom Act

Interesting details on legislation passed in 2015. It would be nice if they actually allowed the butchering and sale of meat outside animal processing facilities that have to pay for federal regulators to be present. Consequently, consumers should be allowed…

Is Pasteurized Milk Healthy?

A very nice write up on the nutrition of milk and how it can be destroyed by pasteurization. The bottom line if you can’t get raw milk, look for low temperature pasteurization and avoid homogenized milk that can also hide…