Category Health

Vitamin D and How They Keep You Unhealthy

A good seven minute video on the history of vitamin D and how the white coats have purposely smeared it along with recommending a very low dose to make you unhealthy. After all, this all about getting you the wealth…

Is Your Shampoo Making You Sick?

An old article, but if you read the labels on some of these products they contain so many chemicals to the point of being ridiculous. And it’s striking that the OCGFC perpetrating the climate hoax to save the planet are…

Many Substances Used for Food Processing Are Never Listed on Ingredient Labels

Some of the hidden ways they poison you. Safer and more traditional alternatives exist for some of them. By Flora Zhao The long list of unfamiliar names on ingredient labels of processed foods is already a cause for concern.…

Trump and Operation Warp Speed

With everyone being rallied around Trump, a member of the OCGFC (Owners and Controllers of Global Financialized Capital) playing the role in controlled opposition, let’s look at some examples of his great work with Operation Warp Speed. And Trump has…