Category God

Atonement for Unsolved Murders

Most American cities have an exceptional amount of blood guilt today through the sacrificing of the unborn and criminal corruption, but here is one only mentioned here in scripture. When there is an unsolved murder because the perpetrator is unknown…

Judging a Nation’s Spiritual Health

God promises that if you will obey the voice of the Lord, there will be no poor in the nation as He will bless you abundantly. Of course this is promised to Israel, but the premise would apply to any…

Shepherds for Sale: The Definitive Review

I downloaded my copy, and I was first intrigued by the Babylon Bee article showing how there is an organized attack against her and the book. I’m familiar with most of these false teachers and their activities, but it will…

A Trinity of Important Truths to Live By

There are some wonderful truths given in Deuteronomy 8 with very direct examples involving Israel, and a very famous one that God quoted Himself to Satan as the man Jesus Christ. The manna came by the word and command of…

Repays to Their Face Those Who Hate Him, by Destroying Them

This is an exceedingly poignant message from God to the Israelites right after God told them to wipe out seven nations who were judged for their paganism, including sexual immorality to child sacrifice (sound familiar?). In the quoted scripture below,…

The Final Mystery Revealed

This was a wonderful sermon which brought alive this portion of Revelation. We still have the round of bowl judgements to come, but this marks the moment when God takes back the earth from Satan and ends evil and the…

One World Religion Headquarters?

I may have seen this and not thought much of it at the time, but it has resurfaced. And I have a post on how one day while reading the book of Revelation I came to suspect the prince of…