Category God

The Man of Lawlessness

2 Thessalonians has wonderful scriptures outlining the Rapture, or extraction of the church from the earth, the body of believers in Jesus Christ. But it also covers the Day of the Lord which occurs after God’s children are removed from…

Eternal Destruction

There are some wonderful truths in the opening chapter of the second letter to the Thessalonian Church. With God considering it just to repay with affliction those who afflict God’s children, along with granting relief to His children when afflicted.…

The Coming of Our Lord at the End of the Age

The Thessalonian Church was a commended church in the Pauline letters receiving only encouragement. And some very good instructions were given for living the Christian life while waiting for the Lord to collect His Church, with the primary one being…

Poppin (Remix)

Many Christian hip-hop artists who are black can’t free themselves from the false paradigm of institutionalized racism in America, which is a myth. When I worked for AT&T, we had a black female executive over our division with black employees…

His Ways are Just

Before Moses’ death, God gave the Israelites a song as a witness against them. And we know that Israel turned from God to the worship of demons even including child sacrifice with all kinds of debauchery, and God removed them…

The Choice of Life and Death

This was from Moses to the nation Israel about to conquer and take the promised land, but when boiled down it’s spiritual truth for everyone. We’re fortunate to live after Christ with the new covenant, but it was always repentance…

God’s Curses on a Disobedient Nation

Moses gave the blessings for following God first, but most of the chapter was devoted to the curses for turning away from God. And the curses are tragic and many. Deuteronomy 28:20–24 [20] “The LORD will send on you curses,…

Black Churches Paid to Propagandize

These paid political advertisements (they’ve been outed paying social media influencers so this is obviously paid as well) are a violation of the law where churches are to not be political for their tax exempt status (see IRS excerpt below).…

Trans is an Abomination

God has told us plainly His opinion on the matter through Moses, who He spoke with face to face. Deuteronomy 22:5 [5] “A woman shall not wear a man’s garment, nor shall a man put on a woman’s cloak, for…

Atonement for Unsolved Murders

Most American cities have an exceptional amount of blood guilt today through the sacrificing of the unborn and criminal corruption, but here is one only mentioned here in scripture. When there is an unsolved murder because the perpetrator is unknown…