Category God

Jeremiah 9

If you boiled down scripture to the point of it all, you can’t get much more to the point than this. Jeremiah 9:23–24 [23] Thus says the LORD: “Let not the wise man boast in his wisdom, let not the…

Jeremiah 7 – Substitute America for Israel

Judah is being warned that judgement for her evil deeds is about to come upon her, and I can’t help but apply this to the United States of America which is full of the same sin. God mentions their worship…

Life Changing Truths in Jeremiah 3

There are wonderful truths in Jeremiah 3, but three stood out to me as two reaffirm the same doctrines of the New Covenant in Jesus Christ. The relationship between God and man as a marriage relationship, with believers being the…

The Lord’s Day of Vengeance

As we approach the snatching away of God’s bride the church, true followers of Jesus Christ, we have the second coming of Christ at the end of the Great Tribulation which will follow, when Christ returns as King of Kings…

Exposing False Teacher Andy Stanley

Andy Stanley is getting exposed for the cancerous element to the church that he really is. Funny, in the video below the truth sneaks out as Andy says “you’re to be as wise as serpents” laughing and correcting himself to…