Category God

Ancient Biblical Grain Spelt

Having bought a Mockmill 100 stone grinder to make fresh flour with all the bran, endosperm and germ, full of protein and nutrients, I’ve been amazed by the flavor. Your body does realize you’re eating something healtheir and more nutritious…

Christian Deconstruction – Leaving the Faith

The most interesting part of the series is that people that leave the faith is never because they have studied scripture and it didn’t hold up to examination. The truth of scripture plays out in the world all around us…

Wait for the God of Salvation

The last chapter of Micah contains so many gems. As in the days of Israel and Judah (divided kingdoms) being judged and conquered for there sin, there is lawlessness and evil flourishing and there is no one found upright, all…

The LORD Has Told You What Is Good

In the indictment against Israel recorded by the prophet Micah are old truths of how God wants you to follow Him, honoring His ways in humility with faith. Faith in God even in the old testament was what saved always…

Rulers and Prophets Denounced

It’s a timeless story of humanity, men go their own way why giving lip service to God and expect to receive no punishment for all the transgressions they commit along with all the lives they destroy. Both positions of government…

The Rapture of the Church

Humans and their human intellectualism get caught up in all kinds of traditions and overcomplicated theories, but God has made things clear for anyone to grasp using simple logical deduction. Not that there isn’t value in the knowledge of history…

Using God for Political Gain

I thought Trump and his WEF YGL daughter was bad, especially with him surrounding himself with false teachers and letting Satanic agents put hands on him while they prayed to their god. But billionaire backed Ron DeSantis is really using…

A Different Way to Look at Immigration Numbers

The way the world is growing unhinged and coming after children really points to God extracting His church to start the 7 year tribulation period, where He judges the world before Jesus Christ returns for His Millennial Kingdom to rule…

The Upside Down Cross

I take the upside down cross as a Satanic symbol whenever used, and the Catholic church is full of Satanic symbolism which makes my point. Doing it with your hands in a ritualistic fashion confirms its human tradition with many…

Salvation Is for the Destitute

A powerful sermon on when Jesus’ home town tried to kill him because He told them He was the Messiah and that those relying on their works would not be saved. Jesus uses two wonderful examples of miracles performed for…

The Sin God Never Forgives

I’ve always taken the unforgivable sin to be attributing the work of the Holy Spirit to Satan having to do with the miracles Jesus was performing, which were attributed to Satan by the religious leaders. But in the following sermon,…

God Has Told You What is Good

The old testament is full of scriptures that outline what God wants from man, to have a humble heart before God, to love God and follow Him in a relationship of faith, doing what is right. Now post Christ we…