Undeniable Toxic Ingredients in HPV Vaccines
This is a long and well done article with a lot of images and formatting, so best to read the source. But a couple points is the unethical use of an aluminum adjuvant in the placebo not disclosed to the…
This is a long and well done article with a lot of images and formatting, so best to read the source. But a couple points is the unethical use of an aluminum adjuvant in the placebo not disclosed to the…
This is a good write up showing just how disloyal, callous and cruel Hamas is to their own people. By urging them to stay and not evacuate when warned by Israel just sets them up to die. It’s just irrational…
This was a big improvement for the Tor Browser with a newer version of Firefox and larger default window size. For fingerprinting it was always good to leave it the size it loaded though with version 9 they had added…
I was going to write a post on how to upgrade since it officially just came out, but the post below already covered it. All of my upgrades have gone through without issue except for my ham projects, DVSwitch and…
Is this the smoking gun that Israel allowed this attack to happen with prior knowledge much like Pearl Harbor was used to get isolationalist Americans to support the war? The warning came three days before Hamas launched the operation…
The NYT is a megacorp news propaganda source heavily linked to the CIA, so this is an interesting report. The WSJ is a “conservative” news source featuring neocon propaganda as well, so this is conflicting information. Perhaps to lull Iran…
False teacher Rick Warren of Saddleback Church is well known as a big proponent of mixing with Muslims and false doctrines like women pastors, but through the video below I learned he was a member of the Council on Foreign…
This is a very interesting report at bottom, and we have two included video messages from people that represent themselves as former Israeli service members saying it’s not plausible they didn’t see it coming. It really goes along with my…
You can’t ignore that Islam is an opposite mirror reflection of Christian eschatology, with the Muslim messiah, the Mahdi, being the beast, and Issa, Jesus, the false prophet who will lead forces in beheading Christians that refuse to convert to…
There were reports that some of the billions in US weapons left behind in Afghanistan were showing up in the hands of Hamas in Gaza. There are also reports that weapons being sent to Ukraine are being distributed through out…
The No Agenda Show played this old clip of General Wesley Clark who had a long military career and was even Director of the CIA for a time, but suffered from having a lack of discretion as this clip attests…
This is interesting, as proprietary chip makers are looking to protect their businesses from a new open standard much like GNU/Linux and free and open software movement, and we find RINO OCGFC asset Marco Rubio involved (also a Tea Party…