

Apple Settles Siri Eavesdropping Lawsuit for $95M

Consequently this is misleading, as Apple, Amazon and Google have this ability to send triggered voice command data to developers if there was an error. I don’t use Apple or Amazon’s voice assistants, but Google has a setting to disable…

Reconciliation With God

Reconciliation with God is pretty easy with one caveat, and that is to believe in Jesus and who He said He was, and that He was God who came into His creation as one of us human beings to be…

Tired of Supermon 7.4’s White Background?

There is room for improvement, but I tried to comment what I could figure out and mirrored a dark mode to go along with the theming of AllScan. I’m no web coder and it’s only tested on Firefox which is…

Is the New Orleans Attack Going to Be Our New Normal?

This hearkens back to the FBI’s six week cycle, where they use criminal informants to groom and entrap people to commit terrorist conspiracies they can exploit for publicity and budgetary consideration. In fairness, sometimes the operations go south as the…

The Death of Legalism

The Jerusalem Council was held to rule on the matter of Judaizers who were trying to pervert God’s salvation by faith and belief in Christ alone. There is something dark in the heart of man where he thinks he can…

DEI Megacorps Trashing Themselves

I just wanted to tie in a couple YouTube videos that actually relate to each other. First is Chris Titus going over what a shell of its predecessor the new Outlook is. And this was our main email client in…

Deleting Google Ads

Interesting look into Google Ads, and it appears they make a lot of money with trash ads. Kudos to websites that pass on the money and delete Google Ads. Consequently, you can see where they prioritize money over responsibility regarding…