Beyond the Reset – Animated Short Film
This is actually really good with a few laugh out loud moments. Little slow but very worthwhile.
This is actually really good with a few laugh out loud moments. Little slow but very worthwhile.
This was linked in a previous post, but it’s actually a great government resource. You can search for supplements and examine their labels. This is great for checking to see what additives they have and if those additives might have…
Since a lot of people are ignorant of our monetary history, this is a great recap of two periods that changed our money forever. The government confiscation of gold for expanding the money supply under Roosevelt, and Nixon removing the…
Like I quoted in the previous piece, Satan’s children are coming out from the shadows and defying logic in bringing about an agenda to increase wickedness on the earth. The sickness of man and his evil heart is on prominent…
If you haven’t read the book Brave New World, it was written to be a vision of the technocratic world they wanted to create in the early 20th century, and the test tube clones of the world were always taking…
There are a lot of rumblings about mRNA gene therapies being given to livestock soon, but this study of using cows and their milk to immunize mice is deeply disturbing. It would appear this is the goal to reach all…
I covered some heavy topics today which can be depressing, so lets bring it back to who really runs this universe and who is coming back to put an end to this wicked world system and all their evil, lies,…
I accidentally downloaded the wrong version of Voyager OS to try out based on Ubuntu 23.04 beta when I meant to grab the Debian 11 based version. But after installing it I’ve really been enjoying it, making me eat my…
It’s funny how people that pretend for a living think people actually care about their opinions as what qualifies them to render one, but Will Smith is connected to the powers that run America having become very wealthy in their…
His book The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health is well documented and he really called out the corruption in medicine and how our government regulators have been thoroughly captured,…
One of my favorite Christian artists, Ryan Ellis, has a live EP out on the streaming platforms, and he’s been putting up the live versions of the songs on Youtube. These are well done, and gives a call back to…
I’ve bridged the topic of controlled opposition specifically calling out Trump and people aligned with him. But the thing that put it over the top regarding Marjorie Taylor Greene was her showing up on the CIA Broadcasting System (CBS) show…