Biblical Views Will Get You Fired From Bible Colleges

The Bible is extremely clear in that homosexuality is an abomination and a judgement from God for those who have rebelled and crossed a line where God turns them over to do what should not be done, men with men, women with women…. The corrupting influence of homosexuality is so pervasive God instituted a death penalty for it to try and preserve the Israelites while surrounded by pagan nations, and this was also instituted for fornication and adultery, other sexual immorality and part of Pagan worship along with the consumption of strong drink. No church or Christian school of higher learning is legitimate if it doesn’t believe and hold dear the scriptures as the inspired Word of God, for what then anchors their beliefs? If they reject the Bible then they reject Jesus Christ who has preserved His Word though centuries for us, and they’re making it up as they go as false teachers. Consequently, so many “Christian” organizations have long been infiltrated and corrupted to now be aligned against our Lord and Savior, and how many have let their voices be silenced by the government for their tax exempt status, not allowed to influence legislation or get involved in political campaigns (how can society be preserved when the salt is withheld)? This nation started on the pulpit with preachers calling for freedom from the crown and the illegitimate religion of England. The doctrine of separation of church and state was only intended that their be no national religion, church like in England, but states were free to have their own and Christianity was always intended to be part of American life in a nation of providence, blessed by God. And, I’m reminded of the Lord’s words of rejection:

Revelation 3:15–16

[15] “‘I know your works: you are neither cold nor hot. Would that you were either cold or hot! [16] So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth. (ESV)