Lots of “Died Suddenly” the Last Couple Days – CDC Puts 3 Dose Covid-19 Gene Therapy on Childhood Schedule

This is an incredible example of how corrupt these people at the CDC are. And the evil Satanists in our government, medical system and pharmaceutical industry are coming for the children as hard as they possibly can with the deathvaxx, chemical castration, antidepressents, mutilating surgeries…. And indoctrinating them into sexual perversions and even trying to normalize pedophilia so they can have sex with them. They have all of God’s wrath coming and it will be well deserved if they don’t have a change of heart and turn to God. Though, if you’re that deep into this level of evil your conscience is seared and you don’t have much hope short of a major intervention by God. And this is the Christian way, we pray even for these people that they might be saved and escape the second death.


The CDC has officially taken the recommendation of its vaccine panel and added a triple dose of the COVID shot to its list of recommended vaccinations for American kids, toddlers, and babies – a list used by many public school systems to determine which shots a child must have in order to start school.

Per the updated guidelines, healthy kids 6 months old and up should receive a two doses of either the Moderna or Pfizer-BioNTech monovalent COVID-19 vaccine followed by a bivalent vaccine or booster. 

While the agency’s list of recommended jabs doesn’t actually require anyone to get all – or even any – of the shots on it, the update is concerning for many parents worried that their local school district will start requiring the COVID vaccine for their preschoolers to be enrolled in public schools, which oftentimes use the CDC’s recommended shot list as their own default requirements. In some districts, those vaccine requirements even extend to private schools, further limiting the options for families who decline.

According to this, as of last fall, less than 4% of U.S. kids ages 6 months to 4 years and only about a third of those 5-11 had gotten even a single dose of the COVID jabs, reflecting an across-the-board hesitancy in parents to immunize their kids against a virus that largely doesn’t threaten children and appears to carry significant health risks, including potentially fatal heart problems, for some young people. Most parents who’ve been polled said they were worried about adverse reactions in a shot series that is still relatively new – valid concerns the CDC apparently doesn’t care much about.


Health providers won’t help detransitioners who seek to undo the damage of transgender surgery and hormones.

After being swarmed by health providers who enabled her to medically transition as a minor, Prisha Mosley now says she’s been abandoned by the medical community as she attempts to navigate a complicated and painful detransition.

“I was under the impression that my doctors, who were transitioning me, loved me. They said they didn’t want me to die, they were saving my life, they were worried about me, and they wanted me to be healthy and happy,” Prisha told me. “Clearly, they don’t love me. As soon as it’s not profitable, they don’t want to help.”

Because of the experimental nature of gender medicine, doctors know very little about the long-term effects of medical transition and even less about the health-care needs of those who detransition. Surgeries, obviously, are irreversible, but hormonal interventions can also have lasting effects requiring treatment to mitigate. Testosterone caused irreversible changes to my vocal cords, resulting in daily discomfort and pain, but most ENTs [ear, nose, and throat doctors] and other voice ‘professionals’ are not informed about how testosterone affects a female voice or how to help someone in my situation.
