This is the spirit the final antichrist in the world, as he’s growing stronger as the foundations are laid for his imminent unveiling. To think that you would outlaw merely counseling someone about leaving the homosexual lifestyle and telling them what God revealed about homosexuality in Romans 1 would be enough to land you in prison or receive a huge fine is preposterous (logical arguments abound against homosexuality). But as the Flame lyric said about sin, “they celebrate it and legislate it.” The neo-pagan world around us is transitioning to outlawing Christianity. Our own government has tried to include Christianity with their propaganda on domestic terrorism, and the tides are turning toward outright Christian persecution. Consequently, antichrist will need some propagandistic angle to explain when the Christians are snatched out of the earth, so demonizing Christians and their morality is his mark. This is why the world will celebrate the removal of Christians by God, as Satan’s agent will convey that the world is now free because those pesky Christians are no longer holding it back. So I’ve come to see that the world left in the Tribulation period is going to completely have all the wrath of God coming in its entirety as outlined in Revelation, especially when they openly slaughtered the new followers of Christ.
Matthew Grech, 33, faces potential fines and imprisonment for allegedly falling afoul of his country’s ban on “conversion practices” when he explained to a local media outlet last year how he left homosexuality behind because he came to believe it was wrong.
Grech said that after LGBT activists with ties to the Maltese government and the Malta Gay Rights Movement (MGRM) reported him to police for the interview, he now faces up to EUR5,000 in fines or up to five months in prison if convicted of violating Article 3, Section 3 of Malta’s Affirmation of Sexual Orientation, Gender and Gender Expression Act, which makes it “unlawful for any person” to “advertise conversion practices.” The journalists who interviewed him also have upcoming court dates and face potential criminal sanctions for their part in conducting the interview.
The legislation, which passed unanimously in 2016, resembles conversion therapy bans throughout the world, including in 20 states and more than 100 municipalities in the U.S.

In Canada, therapists who provide any form of counseling to repress or reduce “non-heterosexual attraction or sexual behavior” or “non-cisgender identity” could face up to five years in prison, according to a law put in place last year that prompted protests from thousands of churches throughout North America because of its scope.
The Conservative Party-led U.K. government announced this week a plan to debate legislation to add transgender identity to Britain’s conversion therapy ban, which before applied only to sexual orientation.
Grech likened the biblical story to his legal battle and the spiritual struggles of people like him who fight to maintain their faith despite their feelings amid what he sees as the tightening grip of opposition from government and the culture.