Why Is The Vaccine Killing Our Young Men And Women?

Excellent overview from a doctor on what is happening with the gene therapy. The whole article and linked material is worth reading, so I’ll only highlight a couple parts for why we should always seriously question pharmaceutical products (especially the more recent ones). And regarding why some lots of vaccine may be impacting people differently, see this pathologist’s examination of gene therapy viles and how poor the quality control was along with the harmfulness of lipid nanoparticles.

I have long been interested in studying how pharmaceutical drugs injure people. Before COVID-19, while quite common, this issue was relatively unknown, because the media–which receives significant sponsorship from the pharmaceutical industry--was rarely willing to cover this subject. Because of my interest, I’ve focused on trying to understand how the COVID-19 vaccines injure people, such as causing sudden adult death syndrome.

A key reason why medical injuries often go unrecognized and unacknowledged is because a single drug can cause so many different complications. Physicians in practice are often unlikely to see enough of a single specific injury for it to raise a red flag. Another common reason is a symptom may be generic enough that it is easy to write it off as being caused by something else, or not to have one’s attention drawn to the fact it happened.

While each of these concerns was quite valid, Pfizer (and likely the other vaccine manufacturers) were never required to test for autoimmune complications of the vaccines before they went to market. When I initially learned of this from reviewing the leaked EMA documents, I was astonished that Pfizer was allowed to opt out of this, and took it as a tacit admission that there would be profound autoimmune complications from their vaccine. This is because a common tactic the pharmaceutical industry uses to defend against complications of a product is to never officially test for that complication, so that they can have plausible deniability for it, and simultaneously claim there is “no evidence” of the complication.

•Although there have been a large number of sudden unexplained deaths following COVID-19 vaccination, there has been significant pressure exerted globally against conducting the autopsies that otherwise would have been required. Nonetheless, a few pathology teams have independently conducted these autopsies and there are now many studies that have detected profound and highly abnormal inflammation directed at the tissues that likely accounted for these deaths. Additionally, they also developed a way to test for the spike protein in those tissues and found that the spike protein was present, but the COVID-19 virus was not present, indicating that the vaccine was what killed these individuals.

Something rarely appreciated about the pharmaceutical industry is that more money is spent on selling drugs than the research to develop them (which helps to explain why so many critical steps were skipped on developing the spike protein vaccines while so much was spent to promote them to the public). Because of this, it’s only possible to understand a lot of things about pharmaceutical products if you look at them through a marketing lens.

Although tragic, the catastrophe we are now facing—caused by an extremely dangerous product being forced upon the entire public–offers a unique opportunity. There is finally a window to  bring public awareness to just how dangerous pharmaceuticals can be, and how incapable our system is of addressing this issue, or even admitting it is a problem (whereas, in the past, not enough damage was evident to reign in the growing pharmaceutical corruption taking over our society).
