California Pre-k Teacher and Professor Says ‘Childhood Innocence’ is a Myth, Teaches ‘Sexuality’ to Toddlers

This is the United States of America under judgement, turned over to a reprobate mind (depraved, unprincipled, and wicked), and a grand illustration of what God said would happen in Romans 1 to all who reject God. And you can apply Romans 1 to nations as well, and the future of our nation is looking pretty bleak.

Under the username “mrwilly_prek,” the early childhood educator wrote, “There is a common mythology that children live in this world of pure innocence, and that by introducing or exposing them to the real-world adults are somehow shattering this illusion for them. Therefore, there is a banning of topics and issues that children should not be exposed to, as if they are not experiencing them already.”

In another instance of denouncing the innocence of children, Villalpando said “I’m tired of the ‘Childhood Innocence’ argument… Stop blaming a phenomenon that doesn’t exist.”

The teacher also denigrated the popular stance that young kids shouldn’t be taught about sexuality, labeling the view as “very white, Christian, upper-class, cis-gendered, and hetero-centric.”

An excellent recap of the state of our nation today.

And this is leading to the beginning of Christian persecution in America as a police officer was threatened with firing for his personal posts with scripture on God given marriage done during his off duty time on his personal account. And this article has a great piece by a Christian incarcerated for his faith, and a warning to us true followers of Christ who hold dear scripture, that we will face persecution by Satan’s world system being developed for his appearing as the final antichrist.