Idaho Dr. Ryan Cole Faces Discipline for Bucking the Covid-19 Narrative

Dr. Ryan Cole who has been telling the truth of what he’s seen with the gene therapies is having the Washington medical board come after him. This is what happens to you if you dare to go against megacorp medicine and the pharmaceutical companies that run them. This entire plandemic has been a wonderful illustration of just how corrupt and toxic medicine and pharmaceuticals are in this current age. And they force you to pay thousands of dollars for it as part of your employment compensation, so it’s just a giant wealth transfer scheme from you to the megacorps and ultimately the globalist elite stockholders. And they control these medical boards and punish anyone that interferes with their profits. But if you want to get to know Dr. Ryan Cole, I highly recommend this video where he uses his medical equipment and expertise to examine vaccine vials, and also this piece where he goes over what he’s seen in evaluating medical samples sent to his office. Dr. Ryan Cole has showed incredible courage to speak out in the hopes of saving people from the experimental gene therapy that has killed and disabled so many, and yet is still being promoted.