We Now Have Key Evidence Pfizer Committed Fraud

Of interest in this article is the difference between how financial fraud with investors is handled verses physical harm to citizens by the pharmaceutical companies and how this is prioritized within our legal system. Also, from the lab examination of the gene therapy viles we learned there were significant issues with quality control, and broken RNA strands. Some of these broken RNA strands might match human tissue and be responsible for the autoimmune issues that are being seen. And fortunately for a lot of people, you might of just got saline injections and why you suffered no adverse effects (I wouldn’t tempt fate and get any more). There is also a wonderful history of the experimentation on military serviceman with the anthrax vaccine and the testing of the adjuvent squalene which caused gulf war syndrome and now used in other vaccine products. If nothing else when you hear the propagandists use the term “trust the science”, you should realize what an insult it is to make that statement with their history. The end of the article covers how Pfizer under a time crunch digitally created documentation fraudulently to get their product approved for the government contract (our tax money). Though, I hold little hope that the related law suit will stop the highly experimental gene therapy program and get any meaningful investigation started (at most they’ll pay a fine which will be a pittance compared to profits made).
