Killing People with Radiation

The wife had a coworker that became a close Christian friend, who has since gone to be with the Lord due to cancer. She was older and was convinced that the doctors had given her breast cancer by radiating her…

Young Global Leader of the WEF, Vladamir Putin?

I was aware of Vladamir Putin being cited in a Klaus Schwab talk as a WEF YGL (with YGL alumni Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Angela Merkel, Justin Trudeau, Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook), Sergey Brin and Larry Page (Google), Peter Thiel, Elon…

Drunk or Spirit Filled?

A wonderful series on the biblical perspective of alcohol. Historically, wine was used to purify water, as components of fermented wine will kill bacteria in the water and water was a necessity of life. So wine was mixed with many…